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An educated person is a rather nullified concept. It is widely accepted among the general public that an educated person is someone who has completed highschool and a well educated person is someone who has persued post-secondary degrees. However, educated in its simple definition means "To know something" therefore if you know something your educated.

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15y ago
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13y ago

a Person who is learning skills to his betterself rather than learning to pursue his or her degree to get a job. A person should learn to increase his knowledge and if he does that that success will run after you. Rather than you running after success

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13y ago

Ok.... there is many ways to answer this. You can say they have a collage degree. Your grades but, not how they look. Let me give you a example. Like Nadira Hamid. She has wonderful grades and even though she is the most beautiful girl in the world. That doesn't mean anything. So just see how well they do in class.

FYI: you call a well educated person Smart

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9y ago

Normally, in order to teach a subject, the person teaching the subject has to know more than the pupil.

The pupil will therefore want assurance that the person teaching has this knowledge and that what is being taught is correct.

It is therefore normal for Teachers to have had a formal education themselves and to have certificates certifying their competence issued as a result of their passing and accredited examination in the subject.

Having this certificate means they can demonstrate their education. Ipso facto, they are an educated person.

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