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Q: What is a non cognate?
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What is a linking verb that can be used with cognate?

A linking verb that can be used with a cognate is called a Transitive or Intransitive verb. The cognate is the verbs object.

What is an example of cognate?

Cognate languages have many of the same roots for words. Ex: impaciente

What is the cognate a for English old?

The cognate for English "old" in Spanish is "viejo" and in French is "vieux".

In spanish what is the only month that is not a cognate?

"January" translates to "enero"

Is saxophone a true cognate in Spanish?

Yes. In Spanish, "guitar" translates to "guitarra."

How do you spell surgery in the Netherlands?

The Dutch word for surgery is the cognate chirurgie - or operatie which is a cognate of operation.

What is the cognate for the word precipice?

The word "precipice" has a cognate in Latin, which is "praeceps," meaning "headlong" or "steep."

How would you use the word cognate in a sentence?

The English word "mother" and the Spanish word "madre" are cognates because they share a common Latin root.

What Spanish adjective is a cognate that means the same as fortitude?

No cognate comes to mind, but the closest translation is fortaleza.

Is fiesta a cognate?

Yes, "fiesta" is a cognate. It comes from the Spanish language and is directly related to the English word "feast", both of which refer to a large and festive gathering or party.

What is the English cognate of the Spanish 'soberbio'?

I don´t think it is really a "cognate". The closest I can think of would be "superb".

Are semi and semi cognate forms?

Yes, insofar as they are cognate with repect to each other. Hemi-, semi- and demi- are synonymous.