A subject compliment is a phrase or clause that follows a linking word and completes the subject of the sentence by renaming it or by describing it.
A subject compliment is a phrase or clause that follows a linking word and completes the subject of the sentence by renaming it or by describing it.
The compliment. adjectives
change the subject and compliment their hair
In English grammar, a compliment is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject, completing the meaning of the sentence. Compliments can be either predicate adjectives, which describe the subject, or predicate nouns, which rename the subject.
the difference between the two of them are they both subject which compliment each other.
A subject is a noun in the part of the sentence. For example: The dog ran across the street. The subject is the dog.
Always as a noun: object of a preposition direct object appositive subject subject compliment A gerund will always end in -ing.
A backward compliment comments on a person's fault in the tones and form of a compliment. It isn't really.
Attractive is a compliment. Artistic is a compliment. Athletic is a compliment.
The word 'compliment' is both a noun (compliment, compliments) and a verb (compliment, compliments, complimenting, complimented).The noun 'compliment' is a word for an expression of respect, affection, or admiration.Example: The critic gave you a compliment in his review.The verb 'compliment' is to say something nice to or about someone.Example: I'd like to compliment the chef on that lovely dessert.