No it is not a boarding school!
Yes, the form girls' is the plural possessive form of the noun girl.The girls' boarding school is the boarding school of the girls or the boarding school for girls.
a synanym for approxiamtly is exactly, or even 100%
Not all boarding schools are religious.
carlise boarding school
No, Vidya Valley school is not a "boarding" school but a "day-boarding" scool,i.e., it provides the students with breakfast and lunch.
Gandaki Boarding School was created in 1966.
Bangalore Boarding School at Lorischiep, Armadeia
Secondary boarding school was created in 1969.
Yes it is, it is a boarding school located in New Jersey, and is considered as one of the top 20 boarding schools in the States.
boarding acdemy
She was ten when she went to boarding school