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Q: What is an identical paragraph?
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Must the spacing before and after the paragraph be identical?

The spacing before and after a paragraph must be identical.

Does spacing before and after a paragraph need to be identical?


What is indenter?

There is no word identical. There is the word identical, which means exactly equal and alike. Identical twins have the same genetic make up and are similar in appearance.

What are the type of paragraph?

There are seven types of paragraphs. 1. Narration paragraph 2. Exposition paragraph 3. Definition paragraph 4. Classification paragraph 5. Description paragraph 6. Process Analysis paragraph 7. Persuasion paragraph

Do margin settings vary from paragraph to paragraph?

Margin settings should NOT vary from paragraph to paragraph.

Define topic sentence?

The sentence in a paragraph that summarizes what that paragraph is about

A good wrap up paragraph for a animal report?

A concluding paragraph for any type of report is best when it summarizes all the points made in the paper that were originally mentioned in the introduction. For example, for an animal report on a zebra, the the introductory topic sentence could be: The zebra is similar to a horse in size, shape and physical characteristics. The paper would then detail how the zebra is similar with one paragraph devoted to the size, another paragraph for the shape, and another paragraph for the physical characteristics. The concluding paragraph would reiterate the examples given and would be similar to: As evidenced by the equal heights of zebras to horses, the identical outlines of both animals, and the fact that zebras and horses each have the same characteristics proves the zebra is similar to the horse.

Is body paragraph is any paragraph?

A body paragraph is any paragraph that appears between the introduction and the conclusion.

Parallel construction means that you A begin each paragraph of your essay in the same way B repeat the first paragraph of your essay as the last paragraph C give both sides of the argument in you?

Parallel construction in writing means that two or more ideas are equally important. These ideas are set up in a grammatically identical format, lining up the noun and verb for each idea.

Are organisms with identical numbers of chromosomes identical?

No they are not identical

What is body in the letter?

The first paragraph,the followng paragraph,and the last paragraph.

What is the body in a letter?

The first paragraph,the followng paragraph,and the last paragraph.