This is an overly broad and vague question.
its horrible and hard
Without seeing the thesis sentence, it is difficult to determine if it is too broad, too narrow, or balanced in scope. It is important to ensure that the thesis focuses on a specific aspect of the topic without being overly broad or narrow. Consider revising the thesis to provide a clear direction for the paper.
an exclamatory sentence is a sencence with an exclamation mark at the end or an overly exciting sentence
That is an overly broad question, covering every answer in this category and many more.
Howard Gardner
Example: The man has broad shoulders.
falling intonation
I think this is an overly broad question that requires some context. There are several ways I can think of to interpret the question.
The plank was ten times as long as it was broad.
too broad
She is not overly beautiful, nor ugly- just plain Jane.