Bien=good/well Muy bien=very good/well
Je suis bien means "I am fine" or "I am well" in French.Je suis bien means I am well.
Bien benito
Walter Bien's birth name is Walter Nathen Bien.
Tu vas bien = you are good or Tu vas bien? = how are you?
Muy Bien means Very Good
Coupés bien net et bien carré was created on 2007-10-01.
"Muy bien" is Spanish for "very well," which is "très bien" in French.
There are several forms. Estás Bien? this is formal Como Va? informal como anda? informal the list can be longer it all depends on how you are asking.
"Todo está bien" or you can also say "Todo VA bien"
Good, good!
Muy bien means very good. Muy means very, and bien means good.