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How do you draw the total product Curve:

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Q: What is diagram and explain The classical curve of economics?
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Linear demand curve diagram?

A Linear Demand Curve Diagram is a diagram that shows how an object or person is shown from youngest to oldest or tallest to shortest

What is an ostentatious goods?

ostentatious good in economics is a good that experience increase in demand as price rises (opposite to "normal" situation). On the Marshall-style diagram it can be showed by uprising demand curve.

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In economics, and particularly in the theory of international trade an offer curve shows the quantity of one type of product that an agent will export ("offer") for each quantity of another type of product that it imports. The offer curve was first derived by English economists Edgeworth and Marshall to help explain international trade.

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on youtube, there are some great videos about economics by pjaholden

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What does PPC stand for in economics?

PPC stands for Production Possibility Curve.

What do you mean by point of inflection in micro-economics?

It is the same as it is in calculus: Its the point on a curve where the rate of the rate of change of the curve flips.

What is the nature of the J-curve?

example of a J-curve population in nature? Explain.

True or False the steeper the demand curve the less elastic the demand curve?

It is false that the steeper the demand curve the less elastic the demand curve. The steeper line is used in economics to indicate the inelastic demand curve.