What is the full form of TAT in banking Save
Turn around time
Ethoxylated polyethyiemine is a coating tat remains uncorrosive to any kind of environment.
tat is the iguana form and how it form
Yes, tat is a word, "tat" is tying knots in thread and using a small shuttle to form lace.
TAT can stand for several things. It can stand for Thematic Apperception Test, which is psychological in function. It can also refer to aviation technology.
Rat a Tat Tat was created on 2010-03-09.
Rat ta tat tat the dancing cat
Ngo Tat To. has written: 'Tat den'
This phrase tit for tat is believed to be a corruption of tip for tap, which meant "a blow for a blow."http://www.answers.com/tit-for-tat
Tat sleeve