"Guten Morgen Liebste" would be the normal term used."Guten Morgen Schatz" is also a commonly used term.
"Guten"" means "good"
The phrase is "Guten abend" and it means 'Good evening'
the German for hello is 'hallo' you could also say: good day - guten tag good evening - guten abend good night - guten nacht good morning - guten morgen
in german "Guten Morgen" means "Good morning"
Guten Tag was created on 2002-11-18.
good morning friends = guten Morgen (meine) Freunde
"Guten tag" is a German phrase that is pronounced as "goo-ten tahk." The "g" in "guten" is pronounced like the "g" in "good," and the "a" in "tag" is pronounced like the "a" in "far."
Guten Tag - Good day Guten Morgen - Good morning Guten Abend - Good evening Hello - Hallo
In French - not much. "Guten Tag" is German for "good day" or "hello". "Guten Tag" in French would be "Bon jour".
Hallo, Guten Tag, Guten Abend, Gute Nacht.
It's spelled "guten Abend" and it means "good evening"