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Q: What is listening in spanish?
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Related questions

What is escucho in Spanish?

I hear or I am listening

What does escuchando mean in spanish?

"Escuchando" in Spanish means "listening" in English. It is the present participle form of the verb "escuchar," which means "to listen."

What does encuchando mean in spanish?

eScuchando = listening

How do you spell in spanish thank you for listening?

gracias por escuchar

From what five subjects testes can you choose for the sat subject test?

There are more than 5: Spanish (with or without listening) French (with or without listening) German (with or without listening) Modern Hebrew (no listening) Italian (no listening) Latin (no listening) Chinese (with listening) Japanese (with listening) Korean (with listening) Physics Chemistry Biology E/M Math 1 Math 2 World History US History Literature

What is callean oir in English?

From Spanish to English - it means 'Silent listening'

Do you have spanish music for listening?

YES! havent you heard of Enrique Iglesias

What is listening music to YouTube in spanish?

Translation: Escuchando musica en YouTube.

How do you say 'listening to' in Spanish?

Escuchando (pronounced "ess-koo-CHAHN-doe.")

How do you say united countries in Spanish?

by listening in class helo listen to the teachers

What does the listening mean?

listen is spanish means 'escuchar'. Which is that you hear but you also pay attention. listen is 'escuchar' and it is different from hear in the way as in spanish. In spanish hear is 'oir'

What is the best way to learn conversational spanish?

The best way to learn conversational Spanish is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. This can include practicing speaking with native speakers, listening to Spanish music or podcasts, watching Spanish movies or TV shows, and using language learning apps or online resources. It's important to practice speaking and listening regularly to improve your conversational skills.