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bronze and maroon

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What is Made in the Midlands's motto?

Made in the Midlands's motto is 'Championing Manufacturing in the Midlands'.

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There are MANY Vet Techs who are 40+.

Is it going to snow in the midlands?

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When was Arriva Midlands created?

Arriva Midlands was created in 1997.

When was First Midlands created?

First Midlands was created in 1999.

Which part of the midlands does Derby belong?

Derby is in the East Midlands.

Is Nottingham in the west or east midlands?

it is close to the east midlands

When was Midlands Electricity created?

Midlands Electricity was created in 1947.

What is East Midlands's population?

The population of East Midlands is 2,001.

When was Made in the Midlands created?

Made in the Midlands was created in 2009.

Is the east midlands a region?

The East Midlands is a region of England.

Is coventry in warwickshire or west midlands?

Coventry is in the West Midlands.