The Demand Test is NOT part of the DURCH test. WHOEVER WROTE THAT ANSWER IS A GIANT LIAR! REAL ANSWER: The Compliance Test is NOT part of the DURCH test. I know that this is correct because i just took a test and this answer made me fail that question.
The Demand Test is NOT part of the DURCH test. WHOEVER WROTE THAT ANSWER IS A GIANT LIAR! REAL ANSWER: The Compliance Test is NOT part of the DURCH test. I know that this is correct because i just took a test and this answer made me fail that question.
The Durch test is used to evaluate design principles in software interfaces, so topics such as user experience (UX) design, information architecture, and interface usability are not typically part of the test. Additionally, specific programming languages or development tools are not assessed in the Durch test.
Durch (den) can be translated as "through (the)...".
Durch die Wüste was created in 1978.
Bus durch London was created on 2004-08-16.
Durch Die Nacht was created on 2004-06-01.
Durch den Monsun was created on 2005-08-15.
Durch Tatkraft und Ausdauer = With energy and endurance
Ein Strom fließt durch Deutschland was created in 1954.
Selbstportrait Vol. III 'Reise durch Arcadien' was created in 1978.
"Kraft durch Freude" was a Nazi organization in Germany that aimed to provide leisure activities and holidays to German workers as a way to promote loyalty to the regime and boost morale. It was part of the broader propaganda effort to control the population and reinforce Nazi ideology.