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The Latin verb pingo means "I paint" or "I embroider", "I embelish" or "I tattoo"

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Q: What is pingo in Latin?
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What pingo means in Latin?

i paint

What is the Latin verb meaning to paint?


When did Thomas Pingo die?

Thomas Pingo died in 1776.

When was Thomas Pingo born?

Thomas Pingo was born in 1692.

When was Pingo National Landmark created?

Pingo National Landmark was created in 1984.

How do you say painting in latin?

The substance is pigmentum (-i, n.). The verb "to paint" is pingere (3rd conjugation: pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum).

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The duration of The Isle of Pingo Pongo is 540.0 seconds.

When was The Isle of Pingo Pongo created?

The Isle of Pingo Pongo was created on 1938-09-14.

What is a pingo?

A pingo is a conical mount with an ice core, particularly one which lasts for longer than one year.

A pingo is?

A pingo, also called a hydrolaccolith, is a mound of earth-covered ice found in the Arctic and subarctic that can reach up to 70 metres

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a fishing rod

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