"Good morning" and "Good evening" in Polish is the same phrase "Dzień dobry".
"Hello" in Polish is "Cześć."
"Hello" in Polish is "Cześć".
hello beautiful in polish
The Polish equivalent of 'hello' is 'Dzien dobry.' It is pronounced 'dzhehn dobri' if that helps.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen" in Polish is translated as "Dzień dobry panie i panowie."
Hello in Polish is spelled "Cześć".
You can say "Cześć, kochanie" to say hello my love in Polish.
The phrase "hello Justyna" in Polish can be translated as "cześć Justyna."
"Hi" in Polish.
cześć informally, Dzień Dobry for Good Day
"Cześć" is a Polish word that translates to "hello" in English.
Any of the following [with simplified pronunciations]:cześć [chesht]witaj [vit-eye]hej [hey]