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The best features of process oriented performance design is that educators can determine what they want their students to learn and how they will know when they have learned it. The design allows teachers to plan ahead.

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Product-oriented process is defined by the expected outcome. This is a project that will revolve around a particular product as the end result.

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Education, Business and Free Verse

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Q: What is process oriented design?
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1. Understand and define the context and external interactions with the system. 2. Design the system architecture. 3. Identify the principal objects in the system. 4. Develop design models. 5. Specify interfaces.

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In function oriented design a problem is thought in form of data and functions to manipulate those data. Both entities remain independent of each other. On the other hand in object oriented design a problem is thought in form of an encapsulated entity where both data and functions stay together in form of an object. Following link has a nice collection of articles of object oriented programming:

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David A. Taylor has written: 'Object-oriented technology' -- subject(s): Database design, Object-oriented databases, Development, Computer software 'Object-oriented information systems' -- subject(s): Management information systems, Object-oriented databases, System design

Attributes in class hierarchy in object oriented analysis and design?

Analysis means finding the exact scenario for the problem and design means finding the main class from the analysis part an d to give operation for that class. and from that we can know the exact process.

Is management a goal oriented process?

yes it is a goal oriented process because without having a goal or an aim it cannot run the business