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zarrafa زارافة

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Q: What is the Arabic word for giraffe?
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What language is giraffe?

The English word "Giraffe" comes from the Arabic "zaräfah" through the Italian "Giraffa".

What is giraffe in Arabic?


How did the giraffe get its name and what does it mean?

The name "giraffe" is believed to have originated from the Arabic word "zarāfah," which means "fast-walker" or "one who walks swiftly." This name likely refers to the giraffe's characteristic long legs and ability to move quickly across the savannah. The scientific name for the giraffe is Giraffa camelopardalis, with "camelopardalis" stemming from the ancient Greek words for camel and leopard, describing the giraffe's unique appearance.

What is the origin of the word giraffe?

Via the French and Italian, and ultimately the Arabic zerafa.giraffe is derived from its early Roman name, where it was described as having characteristics of both a camel and a leopard Giraffes are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead. The average giraffe's blood pressure is two or three times that of a healthy man.

What giraffe is called kannada?

Giraffe (there is no word for it)

Your name for it comes from the Italian by way of Arabic but which animal did the Romans call camelopardalis?


Is giraffe a pronoun?

No, the word 'giraffe' is a noun, a word for a type of mammal, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'giraffe' is it.Example: We saw a giraffe at the zoo. It really was very tall.

Is giraffe male female or neutral in German?

The word giraffe is feminine in German: die Giraffe

Can you make a sentence with the word giraffe?

Yes. Examples: The giraffe was fighting the other giraffe. I saw a giraffe at the zoo today. Etc

What is giraffe in French?

the French word for giraffe is "girafe" with a single 'f'

Is giraffe a power word?

Yes. A giraffe is a very powerful word for a very powerful and majestic animal.

How many syllables in giraffe and how?

The word giraffe has two syllables. The syllables of the word are gir-affe.