"It's all good" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase È tutto buono.Specifically, the verb è means "(He/she/it) is, (formal singular you) are." The adverb tutto means "all." The masculine adjective buono means "good."The pronunciation is "eh TOOT-toh BWOH-noh."
Tutto buona! in the feminine and Tutto buono! in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "All good!"Specifically, the adverb tutto means "all, completely, entirely" in this context. The feminine adjective buona and the masculine buono translate as "good." The pronunciation will be "TOOT-to BWO-na" in the feminine and "TOOT-to BWO-no" in the masculine.
Tutto è buono is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "All is good."Specifically, the masculine adjective/noun/pronoun tuttomeans "all." The verb è means "(He/she/it) is, (formal singular You) are." The masculine adjective buono means "good."The pronunciation is "TOOT-toh eh BWOH-noh."
"Are you good?" is an English equivalent of the Italian question Sei buono?Specifically, the verb sei means "(informal singular you) are." The masculine adjective buono means "good." The pronunciation is "she BWOH-noh."
Essere buono! in Italian means "Be kind!" in English.
Be good:Sia buono Be good at: Sia buono esso
buono buono
"Good" in English is buono in Italian.
"It is good!" in English is È buono! in Italian.
"Yum!" in English is Che buono! in Italian.
"Good! And you?" in English is Buono! E tu? in Italian.
Accettare il buono is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "To accept the good".Specifically, the present infinitive accettare is "to accept". The masculine singular definite article il means "the". The masculine noun buono translates as "good".The pronunciation will be "AHT-tchet-TAH-rey eel BWOH-noh" in Italian.