"Much-held melody" is a literal English equivalent - and "melody notes held for their full duration" a descriptive equivalent -- of the Italian phrase Molto tenuto la melodia.
Specifically, the adverb molto is "much" in English. The masculine adjective/past participle tenuto may be translated as "held". The feminine singular definite article la means "the". The feminine noun melodia means "melody".
The pronunciation will be "MOHL-toh tey-NOO-toh lah mey-loh-DEE-ah" in Italian.
"Beautiful sound" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase bel suono.Specifically, the masculine adjectivebel means "beautiful, handsome." The masculine noun suono means "sound." The pronunciation is "behl SWOH-noh."
suono il violino
Bel suono is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful sound." The masculine singular phrase may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular il since Italian employs definite articles far more frequently than English uses "the." The pronunciation will be "bel SWO-no" in Pisan Italian.
"My sound being your answer to my silence" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase Essendo il mio suono la risposta vostra al mio silenzio. The pronunciation of the dependent clause will be "es-SEN-do eel MEE-o SWO-no la ree-SPO-sta VO-stral MEE-o see-LEN-tsyo" in Italian.
abbassare il suono. Toni più bassi.
Suono Libero was created in 2008-09.
Radio Dimensione Suono was created in 1978.
Suono as "I am playing (I do play, I play)" and Tocco as "I am touching (I do touch, I touch)" are Italian equivalents of the Spanish present indicative verb Toco. The respective pronunciations will be "swo-NA-rey" and "tok-KA-rey" in Italian and "TO-ko" in Spanish.
Salvatore Sciarrino has written: 'Carte da suono'
aria "Il dolce suono" from the 3rd act
D. Bartoli has written: 'Del suono de' tremori armonici e dell'udito'
Renzo Cresti has written: 'Il cuore del suono' 'Ipertesto di storia della musica'