The Irish word for music is Ceol (pronounced k'yawl in the N; k'yól in W/S) or you can also say oirfide
(pronounced or-fidga), but Ceol is the most common word used for music.
Scots Gaelic is ceol (k'yawl).
Ceol (K'yól)
There is no such word as gealic. And if you meant Gaelic, you did not specify whether you meant the language, culture, history, music, etc.
A musical party in Gaelic is referred to as a Cèilidh, which is a traditional Scottish Gaelic social gathering involving the playing of traditional music and dance.
Irish "Gaelic: is ceol; (Scottish) Gaelic is ceòl.
Quote from the website linked below: Oran Mor is Gaelic for The Great Music which simply means pibroch or Highland bagpipe music, and at a higher level, the music of mankind and universal nature.
Scottish Gaelic is a 'coimhead.Irish Gaelic is cuma.
It is not a Gaelic word.
No Gaelic word for Chalmers.
The word 'bassett' is not a Gaelic word, and therefore has no meaning in Gaelic.
In IRISH Gaelic the word is "vaidhtéaraí";in SCOTTISH Gaelic: ?
The Irish Gaelic word for 'jewelry' is seoda.The Scottish Gaelic word is seudraidh.
The Irish (Gaelic) word for 'first' is is céad.The Scottish Gaelic word is ciad.