The word "whiskey" in English is an anglicization of the original gaelic. In Scottish Gaelic, whiskey is "uisge beatha", which means "water of life". This name for whiskey might have roots in latin, where distilled spirits were known as aqua vitae or "water of life".
You need to specify Irish Gaelic or Scottish Gaelic: they are two separate languages.
Death Bringer was created in 1989.
Death Bringer happened in 1989.
charos means death bringer.
The Irish version of Lucas is Lúcás; As for Scots Gaelic: ?
tabhair leat, beir leat
'Bringer' can't translate. To bring - Dod â Death - Marwolaeth Un sydd yn dod â marwolaeth - One that brings death Rhoddwr farwolaeth - (death giver)
it is already out=.=
Shi no engimono
The "Bringer of Death" is a BOE blue quality staff. It can be found in various Outlands Raids, including Karazhan, Black Temple, Sunwell Plateau, and The Eye.
the death bringer
Überbringer des Todes