Muir is 'sea' in both Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic.
muirScottish Gaelic: muir Irish Gaelic: muir or farraige
Scottish Gaelic is a 'coimhead.Irish Gaelic is cuma.
The Irish Gaelic original is spelled cladach [klad-ukh] with a gutteral ending.The word also occurs in Scottish Gaelic (Gaidhlig) as cladach /kLadəx/shore, littoral; (sea) beach
It is not a Gaelic word.
No Gaelic word for Chalmers.
The word 'bassett' is not a Gaelic word, and therefore has no meaning in Gaelic.
In IRISH Gaelic the word is "vaidhtéaraí";in SCOTTISH Gaelic: ?
Muir (sea)
IRISH Gaelic: aigéan or bóchna
The Irish Gaelic word for 'jewelry' is seoda.The Scottish Gaelic word is seudraidh.
The Irish (Gaelic) word for 'first' is is céad.The Scottish Gaelic word is ciad.