Òrach, òrdha
"Gaelic" can mean "Irish Gaelic' or "Scottish Gaelic". They are classified as two distinct languages.
Scottish Gaelic is a 'coimhead.Irish Gaelic is cuma.
It is not a Gaelic word.
No Gaelic word for Chalmers.
The word 'bassett' is not a Gaelic word, and therefore has no meaning in Gaelic.
In IRISH Gaelic the word is "vaidhtéaraí";in SCOTTISH Gaelic: ?
Just for the record, there are two Gaelics: Irish and Scottish and they are separate languages.This word is Irish Gaelic and is pronounced 'ore'-ga and means 'golden'.
The Irish Gaelic word for 'jewelry' is seoda.The Scottish Gaelic word is seudraidh.
The Irish (Gaelic) word for 'first' is is céad.The Scottish Gaelic word is ciad.
The word for 'prince' in Irish Gaelic is prionsa or flaith. The word in Scottish Gaelic is ...
the scottish Gaelic word is "ponai"