Makayla is not a word or name in Gaelic, there is no Gaelic pronounciation.
What is the English name of the Scottish Gaelic word for this occupation criathrar
'Lily' is not a Gaelic word, but if you meant to ask 'What is the Gaelic word for lily?': Irish Gaelic: lile Scottish Gaelic: lili (female name is Lilidh) Manx Gaelic is 'lilee'.
The word for "name" is ainm in Irish (Gaelic);In (Scots) Gaelic it's also ainm.('Surname' is sloinne in Irish; sloinneadh in Scottish Gaelic.)
Cheyenne is not a Scottish Gaelic word.
I know of no spelling for Clayton in Irish or Scottish Gaelic.
It is a Gaelic form of Helen and related to a Gaelic word meaning 'pleasant'
The equivalent name in Scottish Gaelic for David is "Daibhidh" The equivalent name in Irish Gaelic for David is Dáibhí but the old Irish name Dáithí (Dahy) is sometimes used for David.
The name Brianna is Gaelic.
As a first name it is Cairmeal in Irish.
The Irish Gaelic form of the name Brendan is Breandán. It is derived from the Welsh word for "prince".
Scottish Gaelic is a 'coimhead.Irish Gaelic is cuma.