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"blau" is the colour "blue" in German.

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Q: What is the German word for blue?
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What does blue mean in German?

The word "blue" in German has no meaning. However, the translation of the word "blue" into German is "blau."

What is the German word light blue?

The German word for the color light blue is hellblau.

How do you say dark blue in German?

Dark blue in German is "dunkelblau" - dunkel for dark and blau for blue. One word.

Word blue eyes in German?

blau Augen - blue eyes.

How do you pronounce blue eyes in German?

The word "blue eyes" in German is "blaue augen." "Blaue augen" is pronounced "Blaow Owgen."

What is the German word for blue nose pit?

blaue Nase pitbull

Why is blue named blue?

The color blue is named after the Old French word "bleu," which comes from the Frankish word "blao." It is believed that the Frankish word originated from the Proto-Germanic word "blæwaz," which is related to the Old High German word "blāo."

How do you spell blue in German?

Blue in German is spelt as 'blau.'

How do you pronounce blue in german?

In German, the word "blue" is pronounced as "blau." The "au" sound is similar to saying "ow" in English.

What does the German word 'Franzblau' mean in English?

Franz Blau is a person's name not a word. Near as I can find is that he was a German Philosopher but there are many Franz Blaus as far as I can tell. Incidentally "blau" can be translated as "blue".

Translate this German word - chre?

Chre is not a German word

What is the German word for who?

The German word for "Who" is "Wer".