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The German word for book is (das) Buch.

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Q: What is the German word for book?
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What is the German word for book bag?

The German word for book bag is "Buechertasche".

How Do you spell book in German?

The German word for "book" is "Buch"

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"Übungsbuch" is the German word for "exercise book".

What is the word book in German?


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What is the book gebetbuch?

It's the german word to identify a book containing liturgical prayers. In german: gebet = prayer buch = book

What are the two meanings of the German word 'buch'?

The German word 'buch' translates into English as book. As in the English language it can mean a book which one reads or to book a hotel room for example.

What is the high German word for book?

das Buch

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What is a German guidebook called?

The German word for travel guide book is (der) Reiseführer.

Is 'Buch' a German word?

No. In German all letters in a word are pronounced even an "E" at the end. "book" is " Buch", "books" are "Bücher" and "beech" (the tree) is "Buche"

What is the derivative of the German word buch?

das Buch - the book buchen - to book die Buchung - booking