The German word for "German" is "Deutsch". Pronounced doitch.
"Deutsch" as a noun is neuter, thus the definite articles are "das" (nominative and accusative), "des" (genitive), "dem" (dative). When used as a noun, Deutsch is capitalized, as are all German nouns. (Adjectives, however, are NOT capitalized, even if they refer to a proper name.)
The exact translation for "the German language" is "die deutsche Sprache". Note that the article (die) applies to Sprache (fem). In this instance, 'deutsch" is an adjective and is thus NOT capitalized.
The German word for settings is Einstellungen. The German word for language is Sprache.
The word can in German is "können."
The German word for language is "Sprache."
language = Sprache
"Schere" is the German word for "scissors"
The German language has no word for 'fluffy'.
"language" translates as "Sprache".
The German word for Mister is "Herr."
Austrians speak German Österreicher sprechen Deutsch
The word "dumbkopf" is from the German language. It is a derogatory term that translates to "stupid head" in English.
In German gift is geschenk.