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Ταύρος [tAvros]

Actually, the Greek word for bull is Taurus, that's where you get Minotaur -- litterly 'bull of Minos'

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Q: What is the Greek word for Bull?
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Who was a bull in Greek mythology?

The Cretan bull was a bull in Greek mythology. It was said to have either fathered the Minotaur, or was the bull that carried Europa away.

What is the roman name for the Minotaur?

Because this myth has Greek origins, and the word for bull in Latin (taurus) comes from the Greek word ταυρος (tauros), in Latin, it would been simply called "Minotaurus".

How did the constellation Taurus get its name?

The constellation Taurus is named after the Latin word for "bull." In Greek mythology, Taurus represents Zeus who transforms himself into a bull to abduct Europa, a Phoenician princess. The shape of the constellation is said to resemble a bull's head.

Who was the greek bull-headed monster?

The Minotaur.

What is the maori word for Bull?

bull: puru

How do you change the word calf to the word bull?

To change the word "calf" to "bull," simply add the letter "b" at the beginning of the word "calf" to form "bcalf," which can then be rearranged to become "bull."

What is the bull in spanish?

The word for "bull" in Spanish is "toro."

Who is the bull headed monster?

In Greek Mythology it was referred to as a Minotaur

Does a Greek demon have a head of a bull?

Only the Cretan Minotaur had.

Where did the word bill come from?

its an alteration of latin word bulla meaning bull(as in papal bull)

What do you call a bull in Spain?

'Toro' is the Spanish word for bull.