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ΛΙΜΟΣ / λιμός.

ΠΕΝΙΑ / πενία (as in cytopenia, = famine of the cells)

ΠΕΙΝΑ / πείνα.

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Q: What is the Greek word for famine?
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Related questions

What is a e word to describe famine?

An 'e' word to describe famine is: Endless. EX: The endless famine was horrible.

What is a sentence for the word famine?

People died from a disastrous famine.

A sentence with the word famine?

Many people died due to the famine.

Where does the word famine originate?

The word "famine" originates from the Latin word "fames," which means hunger.

Can you use the word famine in a sentence?

The poor stray was dying from famine and loneliness.

How can you use the word famine in a sentence?

the poor stray was dying from famine and loneliness.

What is another word for hunger?

famine is another word

What is a sentence example using the word Famine?

The protracted drought was followed by months of famine.

What is the good sentence using the word famine?

Certain areas in Africa are famine stricken.

Can you give a sentence with the word famine?

Famine means a lack of food, so you can say, there was a terrible famine, and all of our crops died.

What is the 5 letter word that caused the Irish potato famine?

The potato 'blight' caused the famine, though this is a six letter word.

Is new masculine or famine in french?

In French, "new" is translated as "nouveau" and "masculine" as "masculin." The word "famine" in French means "famine" in English.