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Q: What is the Greek word for purple?
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Where did the word 'iodine' come from?

Greek, 'ioeides' - 'purple coloured'.

How did iodine get its name?

"Iodine" comes from the Greek word "iodes," which means violet or purple. This is because iodine crystals have a purple color.

What does Phoenicians mean?

The Greek word phoínios means "purple" - after the purple dye from a shellfish which the Phoenicians traded.

What does Phoenician mean in Greek?

The name comes from the Greek word for the shellfish which produces the purple dye for which they were famous.

Why is the purple color called purple?

The word "purple" comes from the Old English word "purpul," which originated from the Latin word "purpura," and ultimately from the Greek word "porphura." The color was historically associated with royalty and nobility due to the expensive and rare dye used to create it.

How did they name the color purple?

The word 'purple' comes from the Old English word purpul which derives from the Latin purpura, in turn from the Greek word porphura, the name of a purple dye manufactured in classical antiquity from a mucus secreted by a snail.

What was true of Phoenician snails?

The Phoenicians made purple dye from them, and the name Phoenicia comes from the Greek word for the colour.

What does iodes mean in greek?

idoes in greek means purple

Where did Porphyrophobia originate from?

Porphyro is Greek for purple, therefore Porphyrophobia is the fear of the color purple.

What is the word purple in Hawaiian?

The word "purple" in Hawaiian is "papalina."

Who called Phoenicia to Phoenicia?

Phoenicia derives from the ancient Greek word phoínios meaning "purple" - the colour of its popular dye made from sea snails.

What does yolanda mean in spanish?

It means "violet". It comes from the Greek "Iolanthe", which literally means "purple flower", and is the word for all flowers in the violet genus.