Darkness is "Tenebre" in italiano but it can be also "oscuro" or "buio" (without light, dark)
"Darkness" in English means buio in Italian.
You say the word darkness in Greek as skotadi. The word darkness is said in Italian as buio and in Latin as tenebrarum.
"God of darkness" in English means re delle tenebre in Italian.
The Luhya word for the English word darkness' is 'eshirimaa'.
The Yiddish word for darkness is "dunkel."
Forze dell'oscurità in Italian means "forces of darkness" in English.
The suffix in the word darkness is -ness.
they have a lot of history, darkness force of the universe!
The Italian word for no is no.
The darkness of the night lingered in the sky.
There is no English word for cheers in Italian. Italian only uses the Italian word for cheers.