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The latin is ignorantia legis neminem escusat.

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Q: What is the Latin translation for ignorance of the law excuses no one?
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What is the Latin term for Ignorance of the law excuses no one?

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat.

Who is the author or the first to use the ignorance of the law excuses no one?


What is ignorantia legis non excusat?

Ignorantia legis non excusat is Latin for "ignorance of law excuses not". This is a legal term meaning a person who is unaware of a law can still be punished for breaking the law. The thought is that just because you don't know about a law doesn't make it okay to do something.

What is the English to Latin translation of 'law of attraction'?

The Latin translation of the English phrase 'law of attraction' is the following: lex virium attrahendi. The word 'lex' means 'law'. The word 'virium' means 'of force', and 'attrahendi' means 'attracting'.

Who are exempted in article 3 of civil code of the Philippines?

No one is exempted because it is stated in the Article 3 of the Civil Code of the Philippines "Ignorance of the law EXCUSES NO ONE from compliance therewith."

What is the Latin translation of The law may be hard but that is the law?

The standard expression is dura lex sed lex (literally, "harsh law but law").

What does the word 'Ante' mean when used in law reviews?

The Latin translation for 'ante' is before.

What the English to Latin translation of 'by law'?

I believe it is 'per-legem'. This is according to Google translate anyway :)

Example of the law excuses no one?

Law excuses no one. Every citizen of the country is supposed to know law of his country. No cone can plead in the court of law that he is not aware about a certain Act or Law. This is no excused.

Which of the following is not an element of fraud a. Scienter b. Misrepresentation of a material fact c. Justifiable reliance by the innocent party d. Ignorance of the law?

d. ignorance of the law d. ignorance of the law

If a citizen claims ignorance of the law is he responsible for his crime?

Yes, he is still responsible for his crime. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. It is your duty as a citizen to know, understand, and obey the law. This is why laws are written.

What is Difference between ignorance of the law and mistake of law?

There is no such legal finding or terminology as "mistake of law."