His first sentence was; "Hello, im Edward Cullen. Your Bella?''
the first thing he said was hello
Page 43.
Edward didnt talk to Bella in biology until they actually met in the parking lot. actually, Edwards first word was Hello. He said it the second time they met, the week after Edward went to the Denali's in Alaska.
Bella first sees edward and his siblings at school.
Edward first tells Bella "I love you" in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer on page 195 of the book.
The first ever thing he says to Bella in the novel is "Hello" then he stops and goes on to introduce himself. Above, and Edward went to Denali to visit the Denali coven. Not to Alaska.
Edward and Bella first met on Bella's first day at Forks High School when Edward and his family returned after moving away for a while.
Edward's eyes were black when Bella first saw him.
Edward proposed Bella in the book New Moon