The word for 'lion' in Scots Gaelic is 'leòmhann'.
It's not a Scottish Gaelic word.
cóisir is Irish Scots Gaelic ?
In Irish Gaelic: seaman In Scots Gaelic: seuman
In Irish Gaelic: Briotanach In Scots Gaelic: Breatannach
Irish (Gaelic) is duilleog;Scots Gaelic is duilleag.
Irish Gaelic: comóradh; ceiliúradh Scots Gaelic: ?
Irish Gaelic: marfóir Scots Gaelic: marbhaiche
Irish Gaelic is arís ("a-reesh")Scots Gaelic is a-rithist.Manx Gaelic = ?
If you mean Irish, it is liopard;Scots Gaelic: ?
The Scots Gaelic word for 'blue' is 'gorm'.
The Irish word for 'brandy' is 'branda'.Scots Gaelic: ?