Vattern = water Sötvatten = fresh water
The Swedish word "bra" means good, well. The English word "bra" is behå (pronounced roughly beer-haw, both syllables equally stressed) in Swedish.
gay = bögNote: the word "gay" is often used as well.
The Swedish word is: Le
Well, I don't think it's a name at all, because the Swedish word "Dodfodd" means "stillborn." But I'm not Swedish, so this may or may not function as a name as well an adjective.
The Swedish word for family is 'familj'.
The Swedish word for grandchild is barnbarn.
The Swedish word for very is väldigt.
The Swedish word for 'silver' is silver.
The Swedish word for star i stjärna.
The swedish word for Both, is Båda
Möbel is the swedish word for furniture.