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No known published serial number data. 50-125 USD or so

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Q: What is the age and value of a Cotter West Point rifle model 33 with scope?
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When did they make the Lyman Scope 422 expert?

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Sorry, that seems to be a model umber for a basic .22 rifle SCOPE- value about $10

Were can you buy a side scope mount for a HR model 765 rifle .22 CAL RIFLE?

Try these websites

Can you scope a model 94 Winchester 30-30 rifle?

Yes. See a good gunsmith

Is a Remington Model 514 .22 rifle made to be fitted with a scope?

Yes, but you have to drill and tap.

How do you mount scope on Benjamin model 427 pellet rifle?

I am not familiar with this particular model (427) but I am familiar with Benjamin air rifle. If your problem is that there is on Scope rail to mount your scope then I know how to fix it. Crosman airguns owns Benjamin air guns. Crosman offers a special Benjamin barrel clamp that lets you mount a scope to it. See the link below