What magic trick does Mr. Utterbunk perform every evening? He turns into a garage. What does the magician say to the fisherman Pick a cod, any cod.
No there is no real magic.
Abracadabra is indeed not a creature. It is a nonsense word used in magic tricks.
if its your own then then it can be anything or nothing at all such as alaka-ZAM or ABRACADABRA and so on....
if its your own then then it can be anything or nothing at all such as alaka-ZAM or ABRACADABRA and so on....
It seems to come from the Aramaic language, in which ibra (אברא) means "I have created" and k'dibra (כדברא) which means "through my speech". So "abracadabra" would mean "created as I speak," which is how it is used by magicians.
go to a abracadabra class
Magic is tricky business
Goodliffe's Abracadabra was created in 1946.
Goodliffe's Abracadabra ended in 2009.
Horses into gold, dogs into gold, gold into diamonds, etc. etc.