Honestly, it varies. For college, they want to see improvement over the 4 years of high school. But generally over a 3.0 is excellent. (don't worry if yours is under, you have 3 more years!)
Freshmen year is often the hardest year of High school for many students. It's the transition from middle school to high school. Students are most likely to get F's their Freshmen year. So, a "good" GPA would ideally be honor roll, over a 3.5. However, as long as you try your best, and are improving in your study habits and grades, your GPA is only one factor on a college application. Colleges also understand Freshmen year is rarely any ones best.
Not always, however many times an all A High School students freshman year, college GPA will drop slightly. This is not to be in itself a reason to be alarmed. He or she will likely raise his GPA in college once settled in.
Many fine High School students that are the brightest in their school, do not realize that once they are in college they may not be the "smartest kid" on the block. This may come as a surprise to them, in reality it likely will end as a good surprise.
To answer your question, I would guess an average freshman year college student GPA to be 3.0
It is a test where you find out your GPA (Grade Point Average)
Grade Point Average
the grade average point will be at 3.66 and above
They all have a 4.0-5.0 grade point average only.
What is a 2.0 grade average?
Gpa stands for 'grade point average'..it is the average each and every grades
intellectual bureau
The grade point average needed to play high school sports is 3.2.
By calculating the average grade a student earned in school
Not applicable . No grade.
Grade Point Average
Grade Point Average