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Q: What is the average weight of a school exercise book?
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What is the average weight of a school book?

The average weight of a school book is around 2-3 pounds. The weight can vary depending on the size, material, and number of pages of the book.

What is the average weight of a phone book?

The average weight of a phone book is around 2-3 pounds. This weight can vary depending on the size and thickness of the phone book.

How much is an exercise book cost in 1980s?

The cost of an exercise book in the 1980s would have varied depending on the brand, quality, and location. On average, a basic exercise book in the 1980s could cost anywhere from 25 to 50 cents. High-quality or specialty exercise books may have cost more.

How much does a math school book weigh?

The weight of a math school book can vary depending on factors like size, number of pages, and materials used. On average, a math school book may weigh anywhere from 1-3 pounds.

Does the book "Weight loss for idiots" have any positive reviews?

According to there are many positive reviews for this book weight loss for idiots. Based on the reviews the book just explain more about the importance of exercise and eating right when it comes to weight loss.

What has the author Tony Lycholat written?

Tony Lycholat has written: 'The Complete Book of Diet and Exercise' 'The Complete Book of Stretching' 'Ejercicios Con Pesas Para Mujeres' 'Shape your body, shape your life' -- subject(s): Physical fitness, Weight lifting, Weight training 'Circuit weight training' -- subject(s): Exercise, Weight training 'Ejercicios Con Pesas Para Hombres'

What is exercise book in Spanish?

Exercise book is: manual de ejercicio.

What has the author Michael D Wolf written?

Michael D. Wolf has written: 'The better back book' -- subject(s): Back, Backache, Care and hygiene, Exercise therapy 'The Nautilus home fitness workout book' -- subject(s): Exercise, Nautilus weight training equipment, Physical fitness 'Nautilus' -- subject(s): Nautilus weight training equipment, Weight training

How do you say exercise book in German?

"Übungsbuch" is the German word for "exercise book".

How do you call a exercise book in french?

book is livre exercise is exercise so it's un livre d'exercises

What is the average age of a high school text book?

7 to 10 years.

What does exercise book mean in french?

exercise book mean exercice du livre