NO. You simply get a degree in physical education... which is different than your average education degree. You are limited when you do not get a teaching degree, risking vital income $ needed, ESPECIALLY these days. And schools look for coach/teachers to save them money because 1 person is cheaper than 2.
In the United States, the average annual income for a doctor of physical therapy is $48,000. The average annual income for this career in California is $51,000.
Economics of education helps in determining the relationship between educational expenditure and increase in the income or physical capital over a period of time in a country.
The average income in the 1950s varied widely depending on factors such as location, occupation, and education level. On average, household income was around $3,300 per year in the early 1950s, increasing to around $5,400 by the end of the decade.
The average income for a man in Ohio is around $55,000 per year. This can vary based on factors such as education level, occupation, and the region within Ohio.
economics of education helps in determining the relationship between educational expenditure and increase in the income or physical capital over a period of time in a country.
By using the facts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2009 the average yearly income was $65,860. I believe along with benefits and retirement income, English teachers are paid very well.
World bank measures the average of income. While the UNDP compares on the foundation of health, education, and income.
ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers work in many different settings. The salary you will earn as an ESL teacher depends on the level of education youve obtained, how many years of experience you have in the field, and where you work. As a graduate of a masters in ESL program, you should be able to earn a higher income than the average ESL teacher in all settings.
The average salary for a dental assistant in Michigan is $34,989 , depending on the education of the candidate it could be more income.
42,000 Starting teacher