well it isnt as educated as i though but no it isnt a bad school!
NO sheamus isnt good enough to end a legends career !!
no the game isnt online like aqworlds but the orginal aq is the best
No, there isnt a school of witchcraft in singapore.
olive isnt american, so she isnt in any grade. she goes to school in london and is in year 9 (2013)
she isnt i am
YEsS, it is, even if Bushman says it isnt and if dumb A** Paul isnt smart
nadia bainbridge is a girl that i know at school and she isnt always the best friend but she is my friend. If nadia bainbridge is reading this............. kathrine or chloe didnt do it ok!
a minor character is someone who isnt as important as the main
No it isnt.. Why are you the worst asker?
im not sure but isnt it 6;100?
no there isnt, you just have to get through high school