Minnewashta Elementary
No it is public school and is a part of Alpine School District.
public school
Wilbur Avenue Elementary School in Tarzana, California
Habib public is the biggest school of Pakistan.
turtle rock elementary
PUBLIC Avon Lake High School Learwood Middle School Troy Intermediate School Erieview Elementary School Westview Elementary School Eastview Elementary School Redwood Elementary School PRIVATE St. Joseph Catholic Church and School
According to Schooldigger, the top spot for elementary school in the DC area is Mann Elementary school. It is in the District of Columbia Public Schools in Washington.
The Boston Public School System is the oldest pubic school system in America. It was founded in 1647. Boston is the home of the nation's first public school, the first elementary school and the first public high school.The first public school, Boston Latin School was founded in 1635. The Mather School opened in 1639 as the nation's first public elementary school.
in the youkon at the yellowknife public school
pepsi school
Makati Science High School was created in 1986.