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Flood is a natural disaster whose damage cannot be controlled but by latest, accurate and timely information its disastrous impact can be reduced

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Q: What is the conclusion of flood?
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How do you write a conclusion for flood?


How do you write conclusion for flood?


What is conclusion of flood?

Flood is a natural disaster whose damage cannot be controlled but by latest, accurate and timely information its disastrous impact can be reduced

What conclusion can you make from this information of the soil of sea animals on the top of a mountain?

It is proof that Noah's flood does exsist, and that the Bible is true.

Why do you think that most of the Ancient Egyptian lived on the flood-plain?

To get more food and water.because they prefare to live on the flood plain.Most likely, because they had many crops with a lot of water. ( not my best conclusion, and I apologize. )

What is the conclusion of floods in an assignment?

The conclusion of floods in an assignment should summarize the key points discussed in the assignment related to floods, provide any recommendations or solutions, and emphasize the significance of understanding and preparing for flood events.

In Gilgamesh's flood story who started the flood?

An assembly of gods started the flood in the Gilgamesh flood epic.

What do flood ratings mean?

It means, if it will flood or not and how many inches it will flood.

What makes a flood a flood?

A flood is when the water comes out of its normal path.

Was the Gloucestershire flood a flash flood?

In 2007 in July Glouctestershire was hit by flash flood (a flash flood is a flood that happened really quick due to lots of rain)

Need short essay on flood?

flood is so dangers . so be were of flood

What is waterless flood in The Year of Flood?

The waterless flood symbolizes a dry flood. This is very important as the protagonist is sick and bored in the text.