Metallic (I) a metallic ore is a substance which contains sufficient amount of metals in it which can be extracted
(II)these are the extracts of substances in its impure form resembling any characteristics of metals
(III)it includes iron,copper,silver etc
Non Metallic
(I)non metallic ores doesnt contains amount of metallic substances they contains other substances like amount of coal , petroleum etc
(II)these are the extracts of substances in its impure form without resembling any characteristics of metals
(III)it includes nitrate,limestone,potash etc
Chalcopyrite is a metallic mineral that has a brass-yellow color and a metallic luster. It is a primary copper ore mineral and is commonly found in hydrothermal veins and sedimentary rock deposits.
The mineral that fits this description is hematite. It can exhibit both metallic luster when freshly broken and nonmetallic luster when weathered. Hematite is an important ore for iron as it contains a high percentage of iron content, making it a valuable source for iron production.
Metallic minerals produced in the US include copper, gold, silver, and iron ore. Nonmetallic minerals produced in the US include sand and gravel, phosphate rock, limestone, and gypsum.
Emerald is non-metallic because emerald is not a type of metal even though it might look like one. Hope this helps!
Metallic ores are those that contain metal elements, such as iron ore or gold ore, which can be extracted and processed to obtain the metal. Non-metallic ores are those that do not contain metal elements but may still have value, such as sand, gravel, or limestone, which are used in construction and manufacturing industries.
Ore is raw material, alloy is combination of metals
It is a difference between the hardness, generally expressed in the Mohs scale.
Galena is the metallic mineral ore of lead.
Gems are valuable rocks aren't.