Lengua means tongue (both literally and figuratively).
Idioma means Language.
Idioma Lenguaje Lengua
The word for language in Spanish is idioma.
The Spanish word for language can be idioma, or lengua.
El idioma / la lengua: El idioma español / la lengua española --- Spanish languageEl lenguaje: lenguaje informático --- computing language.
Lenguaje. You can also use "Lengua" or "Idioma. Lengua means also a tounge. But when saying for example, "La lengua española (spanish)", you are reffering to their language.
Language can either be said.... "lenguage" "Idioma" or "Lengua". They are used rather interchangeably though Idioma is the 'proper' word for language and Lengua actually means "Tongue".
'Idioma or Lengua'. 'Lenguaje' is used more often though. That's incorrect. The word for language in general is either "idioma" or "lengua." "Lenguaje" is used for specific languages, as in "street language" or "computer language."
'Idioma or Lengua'. 'Lenguaje' is used more often though. That's incorrect. The word for language in general is either "idioma" or "lengua." "Lenguaje" is used for specific languages, as in "street language" or "computer language."
algo Me gusta maldecir- Find out what I said LOL
You mean how to say language in Spanish? Idioma or Lengua. Most people say lenguaje now days.
'idiom' in English = genio de una/la lengua 'idioma' in Spanish = 'language. tongue', of course.
The Spanish translation for the English word "language" is "idioma".