The Greek word for charisma is ฯฮฌฯฮนฯฮผฮฑ (charisma). It refers to a compelling charm, attractiveness, or gift that enables a person to inspire devotion or enthusiasm in others.
The word patriotism shows devotion to one's own country and it's defense. The word is derived from Latin patriota and from Greek patriotes and from patris meaning native land
There are 3 syllables in the word devotion. De-vo-tion.
The girl's devotion to her job was unbelievable.
The man served her with love and devotion.
"Devotion" in Spanish is "devoción".
The word is charisma (from the Greek kharisma, meaning divine favor).
"Adoration" is a word that means undying devotion or deep love and reverence for someone or something.
Devotion as being Loyal = Ekhlas ( in Arabic ). and it written in Arabic this way : إخلاص
Devote is the root word and Tion is the suffix. =)