a male diligent harvester = kotsehr charuts (קוצר חרוץ)
a female diligent harvester = kotseret charutsah (קוצרת חרוצה)
a male harvester = kotser (קוצר) a female harvester = kotseret (קוצרת)
Tagalog translation of diligent: masikap
The word 'diligent' is not a noun; diligent is an adjective, a word to describe a noun: a diligent student, a diligent effort.The noun form for the adjective diligent is diligence, an abstract noun.
comparative: more diligent superlative: most diligent
The English translation of the Tagalog word "masipag" is diligent or hardworking.
The word "diligent" comes from the name "Dylan," which was often connected to hard-working traits.
The English translation of the Tagalog word "masikap" is "industrious" or "diligent." It refers to someone who is hardworking or diligent in their efforts and endeavors.
The word that best describes Woodrow Wilson is diligent. The word diligent is defined as a persistence in an effort to accomplish something.
Another word for hard work is labor.
The Latin word "diligent" comes from the verb "diligere," which means "to choose" or "to love dearly." Over time, the word evolved to include meanings related to carefulness, attentiveness, and hard work, giving us the modern English term "diligent."
The boy was very diligent and got his work done quickly.like u.