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The closest Latin word to gift, as in a special ability or endowment, is the word "dos." It can refer to talent or quality, as opposed to a gift such as you give at Christmas. The closest translation for "gifted", in the sense it is being used in the question, is "praeditos," which means notable or endowed.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The latin word meaning Gifted is Ingeniosus.

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Q: What is the latin word for gift as in gifted people?
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What is the root word of the word gifted?

The root word is gift.

What is the Latin word for gift?

There are three possible ways to translate the English word "gifted". One possibility is "praeditos". Another is "ingeniosus". A third possibility is "potens".

How do you use a word gift in a sentence?

She is quite gifted intellectually. He was gifted the land by an uncle.

Is gifted an abstract noun?

The noun 'gift' is an abstract noun as a word for a special ability or talent.The noun 'gift' is a concrete noun as a word for something given as a present.

Do we have to say gifted for or gifted at?

As in being innately skilled at something? Gifted at. "Justine is gifted at languages, but not sports." Conversely, though, you would say that someone has a gift for something. "Lucas has a gift for public speaking." If you can, try to use the word without 'for' or 'at'. She is a gifted athlete, or he is a gifted speaker. Sometimes, 'gifted in' sounds best.

Is the word gift a noun?

Yes, the word 'gift' is a noun; a word for something given, a present; a word for a special ability, a talent; a word for a thing.The word 'gift' is also a verb: gift, gifts, gifting, gifted.

What type of noun is the word gift?

The word 'gift' is a common, singular noun, a word for a thing.The noun 'gift' is an abstract noun as a word for something given without payment; a word for a special ability or talent.The noun 'gift' is a concrete noun as a word for a thing given as a present.The word 'gift' is also a verb: gift, gifts, gifting, gifted.

What is the Latin word for people?

What is the Latin word for people

Is presented and gifted ia a verb?

The word presented is the past participle of the verb to present; and as a past participle, it is also and adjective. The word gifted is the past participle of the verb to gift; and as a past participle, it is also an adjective. Examples: Verb: The presented the winner with a trophy. Adjective: Each presented deb received a gift to give to their parents. Verb: He decided to gift the university with his small inheritance. Adjective: She attends a school for gifted children.

What does gift mean?

Gift giving is a wonderful way to make our loved one happy and make our-self happy to giving gift . Its an amazing experience .

How do you say the word gift in french?

un don (masc. - if you are gifted - we're speaking about a quality) - un cadeau (masc.; when you are given a present)

What is 'charisma' in Latin?

Divine favor, gift, present are English equivalents of 'charisma'. The word is of Greek origin. Its equivalents in Latin are donum, which means 'gift'; and gratia, which means 'divine favor'.