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Q: What is the mascot of sul ross state university?
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Related questions

When was Sul Ross State University created?

Sul Ross State University was created in 1917.

When was University of Caxias do Sul created?

University of Caxias do Sul was created in 1967.

What GPA do you need to have to get into sul ross?

a good one

What position was sul ross in the KKK?

None. He wasn't in the Klan.

When was Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul created?

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul was created on 1979-07-04.

When was Private Reserve of Natural Heritage of University of Santa Cruz do Sul created?

Private Reserve of Natural Heritage of University of Santa Cruz do Sul was created in 2009.

How old was the oldest person ever to play NCAA football?

The oldest person ever to play NCAA football was Mike Flynt, who played for Sul Ross State University at the age of 59 in 2007.

What is the capitol of the state of Rio Grande du Sul Brazil?

Rio Grande do Sul is a state located in the southern region of Brazil. Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul.

What is the area of Private Reserve of Natural Heritage of University of Santa Cruz do Sul?

The area of Private Reserve of Natural Heritage of University of Santa Cruz do Sul is 2,213,900.0 square meters.

Where is the Aviation Museum At Garnerfield in Uvalde Texas located?

The address of the Aviation Museum At Garnerfield is: 201 Sul Ross Blvd, Uvalde, TX 78802-0453

What are some of the traditions of Texas A and M University?

Aggie MusterSilver TapsAggie Bonfire- which is now an unofficial tradition since the 1999 collapseMidnight Yell PracticeStanding during football games as "The Twelfth Man""WHOOP!""Howdy!"Elephant WalkPutting pennies on Sul Ross's statue before an exam for good luckfish campPond hoppingRing dunks (also unofficial)* unofficial = not recognized by the University

What does the Italian word sul mean in English?

sul = on