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Q: What is the maximum time allotted to complete both parts of the critical-reading section on the PSAT?
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What is the maximum time to complete both parts of the critical-reading section of the PSAT is?

60 minutes on Apex

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Where will you find the maximum shear stress in a beam?

The maximum stress occurs where shear load is maximum and maximum stress is at the center of the beam cross section if loaded in shear due to bending. It drops to zero at the top and bottom surfaces. The average stress is load divided by area ; maximum stress is dependent on shape of cross section and is 1.5 times load divided by area at the cross section center for rectangular cross section. For shear due to twist, max shear stress in the outer surface.

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Georgia State UniversityAtlanta, Georgia* Maximum credits/courses from 2-year institution: 60 * Maximum credits/courses from 4-year institution: 81 * Minimum credits transfers must complete to earn bachelor's degree: 39 For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer section.

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What is a cross section of a square?

It depends on the inclination of the line of cross section. If it is at an incline to the sides and diagonal, the cross section is a point which becomes a line that increases in length, reaches a maximum, remains at that length and then shrinks back to a point. If it is parallel to a diagonal, the cross section is a point which becomes a line that increases in length, reaches a maximum and then shrinks back to a point. If it is parallel to a side, the cross section is a line of constant length.